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Cactus Scrub

Travis Brooks

Biologist/Restoration Ecologist

Mr. Brooks is a Biologist and Restoration Ecologist with Land IQ.  Since 1999, Mr. Brooks has worked in the field of environmental compliance and consulting as a biologist and air quality inspector. As a biologist, he performs statistical evaluations of restoration projects for semi-arid vegetation communities in southern California. His research experience includes analysis of the processes that shape the distributional patterns of coastal sage scrub and native perennial grasslands on preserved ranch land in central Orange County, and a long-term monitoring project of ant species on a restoration site in Orange County.His research interests include processes that underlie the biogeography of heterogeneous landscapes. Through his studies of the geoedaphic factors influencing the distribution of water-limited systems, including coastal sage scrub, native grasslands, and non-native grasses/forbs in southern California, he is developing methods for vegetation/habitat suitability mapping to assist land managers in developing site-specific conservation, restoration and monitoring programs, and natural resources policy. He has also been a teaching associate for courses at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) including Life Sciences, Plant Physiology, California Ecosystems, and Environmental Science Practicum. Mr. Brooks has a B.S. in Environmental Studies from University of Southern California and has advanced to candidacy for his Ph.D. in Ecology and and Evolutionary Biology.


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